Playing D&D and Respecting Patriots are not Mutually Exclusive

20 Aug

The McCain campaign put out a nonsense ad hominem attack against those who questioned part of his recollection of certain events during the Vietnam War. From the post:

It may be typical of the pro-Obama Dungeons & Dragons crowd to disparage a fellow countryman’s memory of war from the comfort of mom’s basement, but most Americans have the humility and gratitude to respect and learn from the memories of men who suffered on behalf of others.

What’s interesting to me here is that this type of attack seems unique to the right, against the left. Or maybe it’s that the attack is sort of anachronistic? I’m not quite sure. In any case, I can’t imagine such a comment coming out in response to the Swift Boat Vets group that smeared John Kerry’s version of the Vietnam war. Sure, they were ridiculed and denounced, but somehow I doubt anyone called them out for playing RPGs. As one commenter on the BoingBoing article that covered this story points out, “this feels almost like a jock running for class president in high school.”

Thanks to Sniperbunny for pointing me to this follow up story at BoingBoing.


Posted by on August 20, 2008 in Entertainment


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2 responses to “Playing D&D and Respecting Patriots are not Mutually Exclusive

  1. Dan

    August 20, 2008 at 4:34 pm

    Wow. That takes the stupid cake. It also seems to totally come out of left field.

  2. Leorill

    August 20, 2008 at 8:40 pm

    I am sure they were using D&D to earn more Evangelical vote points. Christian publications have always blasted this game calling it “the work of the devil” and so forth. Would have loved to them reference World of Warcraft though just to see up to 4 million pissed off people posting hate all over the internet.


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